By Heather Brewer
Series: First in The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod
Eighth grade is tough for Vladimir Tod. He is picked on by bullies, the girl he likes seems to prefer his best, and only, friend, and his parents have both died three years ago which he is still trying to deal with. Oh, yeah, and Vlad also has a secret; while his mother was mortal, his father was a vampire. So, along with his school life, half-vampire Vlad has to additionally deal with his enlarged fangs, his blood cravings (luckily his guardian is a nurse who “steals” about the be spoiled blood from the hospital and “prepares” the blood in various ways), learning the extent of his abilities, and no one to teach him. When Vlad’s favorite teacher turns up missing the substitute is more interested with Vlad then the other students. When Vlad feels his cover on his secret life is about to be blown, he discovers there is a vampire hunter after him. What is an eighth grade vampire to do? Brewer’s debut novel is a real treat for any vampire fan. The simple writing style should appeal to a junior high / middle school audience though may turn away older teens and adults who still enjoy reading young adult novels unless these older readers enjoy vampire stories, in which case it is a quick, enjoyable read. In a way, the first book of the series feels more like a prologue for what is to come, which wets the readers’ appetite for Vladimir’s ninth grade year.
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