By Charlie Price
Alienated from school and home, Murray finds sanctuary in the cemetery, where he communicates with the dead, particularly his friends Edwin, Dearly, and Blessed. When he hears a new voice he believes it could be Nikki, the missing cheerleader from school, but how can he tell others without them thinking he is crazy. Then comes Pearl, the daughter of the cemetery caretaker, who becomes Murray’s only living friend as she ties to enter his world and helps him explain to others what they have figured out. This suspenseful page-turner is told through multiple points of view of those involved in the investigation of Nikki’s disappearance from Murray discovering the new voice in the cemetery, Pearl helping him anyway she can, the deputy piecing together clues to the case, a possible eye witness, and an officer with a drinking problem among others. The story twists and turns through the different storylines and just when the reader thinks they have figured out the mystery, another twist brings new possibilities. The changes between points of view might be a little confusing at first while the reader is introduced to new characters and how they fit with the overall story though after the first few chapters the change in character perspective adds to the suspense of the story as individual storylines begin to merge with others and reveal hidden secrets.
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